Is Gastropexy Right For My Dog?

What is it?

Gastropexy is a surgical procedure that is performed in large and giant breed dogs with deep chests. This is an elective procedure that is recommended by our veterinarians. In a gastropexy, your veterinarian will surgically “tack” the stomach to the side of the abdominal wall. This will hold the stomach in place, preventing it from twisting. This event is commonly known as bloat.

What is bloat?

Bloat (Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus) is a life threatening event commonly seen in large, deep chested dogs. Bloat occurs when the stomach fills with gas. The stomach can then twist upon itself, blocking it’s entrance and exit. The twisted stomach cuts off circulation of blood throughout the body. This deprives oxygen to vital organs. Emergency surgery is required to treat bloat. If left untreated, it is fatal. Unfortunately, surgery does not guarantee success in saving your pet. The gastropexy procedure is the most effective means of preventing bloat!

To pexy or not?

Gastropexy is performed at the time of spay or neuter. No additional recovery time is needed. This simple procedure will prevent you from an emergency visit Most estimates for emergency bloat surgery are upwards of $7,000-$10,000. The decision to have the gastropexy performed needs to be decided by your pre-anesthetic appointment for scheduling purposes. Even though it is very rare, there is a slight chance that a dog can still bloat, despite having the gastropexy performed.

Questions or concerns?

Ask your vet. We are here to help you make the best decision possible for your furry friend!
